Thursday, September 30, 2010

Two Sides...

Prince Paris and King Menelaos, two great men who started the great battle of Troy. Both fighting for one woman, Helen. An example which is much seen on out time today, two different characteristics of men with one goal. A great battle was taking place at the great city were no one ever conquered, Troy. The battle for one woman and the battle to conquer the Troy. The foolishness of Paris was the cause of all this bloodshed and suffering. If only he'd bring Helen back to King Menelaos then all of this wouldn't have happened for soon all of Troy would burn to the ground and all hope for Troy would be destroyed. 

The cause of all these problems was because of a man's love for a woman, Paris of Troy and Helen of Sparta. King Menelaos, was clearly in this situation was greater than Paris. What foolish man would steal a man's wife in their own home? This triggered much of Menelaos' anger upon the Trojans and which started the war between them. As they were battling for Helen and Troy, Paris proposed to fight Menelaos in a duel where whoever wins gets Helen and their friendships would be restored. After much deliberation. all agreed and the fight was waited by many. Hera, the Goddess of Marriage had a great hatred for Troy and she persuaded Zeus to intervene with their fight and break their oaths. Zeus followed her and made Pandaros shoot Menelaos with his bow. Menelaos was hit and soon afterwards, he died. Agamemnon. his brother became furious and the battle began again. Truly an honorable man was Menelaos who fought until his last breath. 

In our present time, we can say that there are people like Menelaos in our lives. Those who fought hardly for their share and sometimes deprived of what they deserve. These people never give up and strive for what they want. There are some Paris in our lives too. Those who steal what is not theirs and those who only says words but has no actions.